2015-09-26, 21:57
How can i get the pvr.iptvsimple to support hls 302 redirects. I see it making the call to my load balancer which returns via 302 redirect a new url. The CDVDInputStreamPVRManager::Open - stream opened: http://lb.domain.com:1935/redirect/1/tes...d=xxxxxxxx
Of course this doesnt work, and the player just stops. Any ideas? I have seen other posts with similar issues, but no real solutions. I would really not like to have to bandaid some kind of code if there is a proper solution that can be implemented.
Of course this doesnt work, and the player just stops. Any ideas? I have seen other posts with similar issues, but no real solutions. I would really not like to have to bandaid some kind of code if there is a proper solution that can be implemented.