config xmltv2vdr in KODI
Hello All,

I m new to kodi,

I m using KODI with OE5. I use VDR and VNSI (server+client) to view New Zealand llive tv.
I can watch tv channels with DVB-t but my epg is scrambled or corrupted.

I simply would want to
- Stop EPG upate from DVB-t
- Add external EPG to VDR

I did extensive research, but could not find much help. I found vdr plugins like xmltv2vdr
but do not know how to configure. Tried as instructed in plugin home page
but no luck. I m not sure how to config in Kodi/OE environment.

Further I have vdr under service addons, there are options to enable plugins extended EPG, epgsearch, xmltv2vdr.
How can I use there pluings?

Thanking you.

i'm searching exactly the same thing...i want to use an external EPG with VDR...

i understand i have to modify :

- setup.conf for mapping channel

- import external file pour EPG (xxx.xmtv)

- create a new file with the same name without the .xmltv : xxx

Have you succeed in the configuration ?


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config xmltv2vdr in KODI0