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How does Oscars and Top 250 work?
I love this skin and I am trying to figure out how to set it up. One thing that I don't understand is how the Oscars and Top 250 work? Can someone explain how to get these working?
Both can be accomplished with Playlists
So how does that work?
perhaps off topic but after reading below links I'm now subscribed (auto-update) to imdb top 250 (and 1000Wink
(2015-12-18, 15:53)pcgirl Wrote: So how does that work?

For Oscars, there is no tag or attribute in KODI or any scraper site that will tell you the movie is an Oscar Best Picture winner (I suppose those are the ones you are interested in), so you have to make a playlist that lists those movies by name.

For IMDb Top 250, the Top 250 rank is an attribute in KODI and it can be scraped from tmdb, imdb or other sites. In KODI you can create a playlist of movies where the Top250 attribute has a value greater than 0.

If you would like, I can post the actual playlists I use for both of these. Just let me know.

Regards and Happy Holidays,

(2015-12-26, 17:46)bsoriano Wrote: If you would like, I can post the actual playlists I use for both of these. Just let me know.
This would be great. I would like to use this feature myself and haven't been able to create a workling playlist.
(2015-12-28, 14:50)raumich Wrote:
(2015-12-26, 17:46)bsoriano Wrote: If you would like, I can post the actual playlists I use for both of these. Just let me know.
This would be great. I would like to use this feature myself and haven't been able to create a workling playlist.

Here is a link to my playlists. The Oscars one is BestPicture.xsp, the Top 250 one is IMDbTop250.xsp. The other two playlists (RecentBestPic and RecentTop250) are subsets of the others, with only 25 movies and sorted by date added. I use those two for the widgets. All you have to do with these files is place them in userdata/playlists/video, and then restart KODI and those playlists will be available.

Link: Playlists

Please let me know if this helped. Thanks.



I like what you did with recentbestpic and recent 250

(2015-12-28, 20:05)Edworld Wrote: Bart,

I like what you did with recentbestpic and recent 250


Thanks! I found that works best for all of the skins that use skin.shortcuts script and skin.helper.service for menu customization and widgets.



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