Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v15 Noob
Hi Guys

Fairly new to Kodi.

Running 15.2 on windows. Have used confluence quite a bit and just switched to this great skin. been looking for answers to these questions (probably not all skin related, but not sure)

  1. Where does movie meta data come from? Many show "no information" - I'd like to get min all updated
  2. Where are the config files for changing stuff like default colors? I see skin.confluence, but nothing for this skin
  3. Can I create a movie playlist? I have a bunch of custom trailers that i'd like to play one after each other
  4. Is there a way for it to play a DVD by selecting folder (instead of it browsing to VIDEO_TS folder)


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