How to setup repeating timers (epg based) in Jarvis?
If you want it working you must install a recent Krypton nightly and pvr.vdr.vnsi 2.6.5. No way with Jarvis.
Sorry, my fault. I am using Krypton beta 1. I'd rather wait for beta 2, then. Not sure if a nightly build will bring other instabilities. I can live with the few shortcomings of the beta as of now.

Edit: I managed to install vnsi client 2.6.5 onto my beta 1; I can add EPG based timer from EPG grid now.
Sorry for bringing this up again ...

Are recurring timers still not possible with Krypton or Leia together with VDR??
I'm using LE8 on WetekPlay with VDR-backend together with Milhouse latest builds on a RPi3.
Everytime I want to add a timer rule on a EPG, I get a window which says
"Timer rule creation failed. The PVR addon does not support a suitable timer rule type"

Is this a VDR issue and I have to use another backend?
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
I don't have a clue what version pulled into LE8. Search timers are supported by vnsiserver >= 1.5.0

(actually 1.5.2 because of fixes)
I just checked the VDR-server version: (log from client RPi3)
11:34:52.149 T:2713707424  NOTICE: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: Logged in at '1489314892+3600' to 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server' Version: '1.5.2' with protocol version '10'

On the Server (WetekPlay) I have enabled "EPG search"-plugin also

The log on the client says:
14:49:13.458 T:1961947136   ERROR: CPVRTimerType::CreateFromAttributes unable to resolve timer type (0x2, 0x9, 764685095)
14:49:13.458 T:1961947136   ERROR: CreateFromEpg - unable to create any epg-based timer type
What can I do to solve the issue?
If you need further info or a debug-log, please let me know
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
As mentioned in this thread, VDR >= 2.3.1 is required

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How to setup repeating timers (epg based) in Jarvis?0