Req ref filmon & kodi remote: i will pay for these fixes

I am using the official kodi ios remote, with latest release filmon pvr and latest release kodi on latest and up to the minute windows 10.

unfortunately at this time filmon pvr does not provide playing now or playing next entries in the live channel line up, and does not provide access to any channel guide (the remote app crashes)

I would like to suggest and request that these issues be investigated, with a view to putting them right if at all possible. I would pay for this to be put right.

I would ideally like to see a kodi remote with built in filmon functionality provided along similar lines as the filmon apps themselves. in other words, a merging of the filmon apps and kodi remote.

one item to note however, is that as I write, the official kodi ios remote does not recognise text formatting tags and simply renders tags as text.

many thanks
(2016-03-31, 17:37)adcontheweb Wrote: hi

I am using the official kodi ios remote, with latest release filmon pvr and latest release kodi on latest and up to the minute windows 10.

unfortunately at this time filmon pvr does not provide playing now or playing next entries in the live channel line up, and does not provide access to any channel guide (the remote app crashes)

I would like to suggest and request that these issues be investigated, with a view to putting them right if at all possible. I would pay for this to be put right.

I would ideally like to see a kodi remote with built in filmon functionality provided along similar lines as the filmon apps themselves. in other words, a merging of the filmon apps and kodi remote.

one item to note however, is that as I write, the official kodi ios remote does not recognize text formatting tags and simply renders tags as text.

many thanks
Just to quickly say that I am successfully testing pvr filmon client 0.7.6 on an RPI 1 B+ [Kodi LibreELEC (Jarvis 16.1-RC2) v6.90.005]
I am having no problems controlling Filmon PVR remotely with Android device via Yatse or Kore apps
I can remotely control playback and see whats on (going to be on) each channel via guide information per channel
Using confluence Skin in Kodi when actually watching TV think I understand your overall point about now/next being missing, but compensated by EPG option when watching channel?
RPi4, (LibreELEC 12.0) hdmi0 -> Sony TA-AN1000 AV Receiver -> Philips 55PUS7304 4K TV
epg option not compensation. I have to use the filmon app for channel guides. the confluence skin and epg multi channel guide are useless unless the viewer is sat close to their viewing screen, (or uses a very large screen) the former of which defeats the object of having a remote in the first place.the fact is that the ios kodi remote does not enable channel guides, and instead simply crashes whenever that option is chosen.

the filmon pvr could very easily provide channel guide information, including now and next.

I am using the same filmon pvr, and latest release candidate kodi and official kodi app. and I do not compromise, I innovate and drive - I was pioneering legal iptv well before filmon and kodi. now I am a filmon affiliate and because alki is doing exactly what I would be doing if I had his resources, I want to see his standards upheld, and from a viewers standpoint i want to see services which are offered and made available be used and exploited to the max.

filmon is not another illegal streaming tv service. alki has stood up for viewers and rights holders in corporate offices and in courts including the us supreme court..and gives us the benefit of his untiring work and by no means small investment in development and legal costs. we should respect that.

the filmon pvr is a great user contribution. as is kodi. however, both could be much better than they are, and both are becoming better over time. and i solute that work and those who are involved in it.

however,fantastic, lasting innovations are not driven or sustained by compromise, and neither do they inspire or lead to the next.

best wishes my friends
(2016-04-14, 14:40)adcontheweb Wrote: the fact is that the ios kodi remote does not enable channel guides, and instead simply crashes whenever that option is chosen.
I Just tested Kodi Remote app v1.5.5 on my ipad and with a bit of practice was soon able to view Filmon information on channel being played and also view all channel guide information for next two/three days for playing channel.

I was also able to then select another channel and without selecting play view same for a number of days, no crashes or issues for me?

Additionally I was able to select channels from DVB-T terrestrial TV and view EPG information for those channels with no issues?

All from Official Kodi Remote for iOS v1.5.5

Yes will be good when we have full EPG guide with full understanding of all the active PVR(s) capabilities, on various official Kodi remotes for Android and IOS, in addition to via Kodi GUI on our TV's Wink
RPi4, (LibreELEC 12.0) hdmi0 -> Sony TA-AN1000 AV Receiver -> Philips 55PUS7304 4K TV

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ref filmon & kodi remote: i will pay for these fixes0