Mimic broken with 6.0.3 ?

I just got myself a Pi3 and updated OpenElec to 6.0.3, but it seems Mimic is partially broken with this version.
Is that correct? The biggest pain in the ass is highlighting items which seems to not work as it should (first icon is highlighted in blue, but when I use the remote to go right the icon remains highlighted and the current icon is just a different shade of grey).
Mind you, that this works, but it's really confusing but now I have to pay attention to what is actually selected instead of fluently scrolling through my library.

Naturally I've tried it with other skins and none of the others seem to have this problem.

Is an update expected soon?

Kind regards!
No idea about OE, what version of Kodi is it and what version of Mimic are you running?
I'm running Kodi 15.2 and Mimic 3.4.0 at the moment.
Did you manually install Mimic? Mimic 3.x is for Jarvis, you should install Mimic 2.x from the Kodi addon browser.
Never mind, somehow an older version got onto it. I updated everything and it all works as it should now Smile

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Mimic broken with 6.0.3 ?0