Time between background images
Hi all.

I have changed my skin to Metropolis and it is by far the best yet.

The only problem I have is that I am unable to change the time between my background images. I use multi images and there is too long a time between them. I am using Kodi v16.0 Jarvis. This would be the perfect skin for me if I am able to change this.

Hope someone could help me out please.

It's not configurable at the moment, but you can change the <timeperimage> tags in 720p/Includes_Home?.xml from 15000 (15 sec) to something else as a temporary way to get what you want.
Hi jingai.

Thanks, that's what i was exactly looking for! Works perfectly on my laptop. I also have an Android TV box. Is it the same way to fix this on that too?
I don't have any Android boxes, but I'd assume you SSH in and make the edit just like you did on your laptop.
Yes got it working on my Android box too. Thanks for your help!

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