Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Go to series button the dialogvideoinfo
I recently made the switch to this theme and I'm really liking it.

I have made some small modifications to the DialogVideoInfo.xml, added episode thumbnail, season and episode number and some other stats.

I am trying to add another button after cast for episodes that takes you to that series page. I added the following at the end of the control grouplist however it doesn't work. The button shows up but nothing happens when you select it. I have the following

<control type="button" id="9027">

I was testing it with a static tvshow id but it doesn't work anyways, I would also need to get the tvshow id from the current episode selected.

This is the first time I am editing a skin, any help would be appreciated.


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Go to series button the dialogvideoinfo0