Manually adding address for smb shares when using "Install from zip file"?
I am not sure if the following issue would be considered a bug or normal and if it's a Kodi or Metropolis problem?

As you may or may not know Windows 10 sometimes has issues where computers disappear from the Windows Network (SMB). As in they also are missing from the network folder under file explorer.

So this means in Kodi when clicking on "Install from zip file" then "Windows Network (SMB)" there are no computer shares to be found. So the issue with this is it will not let you click the OK button to manually enter the shared folder address like you can when adding videos for example.

So I guess what I am asking is would it be possible for you or the Kodi developers to change this so in case where no computer shares are found you can still manually add the address for them by clicking the Ok button just like how you would do it when adding videos?

I wish Microsoft would fix this issue already but they seem to be taking for ever Sad

This would be a Kodi issue, not a Metropolis issue.

edit: even more specifically, it's not an issue in Kodi, but that'd be where you'd a workaround, if at all.
(2016-11-28, 21:54)jingai Wrote: This would be a Kodi issue, not a Metropolis issue.

edit: even more specifically, it's not an issue in Kodi, but that'd be where you'd a workaround, if at all.

Thanks for the info I guess I will ask the kodi developers.
Just add your source in file manager.
eg if I look in my sources.xml I have:
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<name>Aspire Install Folder</name>
<path pathversion="1">smb:// Stuff/Install from here/</path>
<name>home kodi folder</name>
<path pathversion="1">special://home/</path>
<path pathversion="1">/flash/</path>
So when I click 'install from zip' those 3 show up in addition to the defaults (only the first is relevant for zips).
Thanks trogggy adding my source using file manager worked perfectly Smile

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Manually adding address for smb shares when using "Install from zip file"?0