Remove the '0' on TV shows unwatched episodes
With the update the other day on my tv shows at both the show and season level when all episodes have been watched, there's now a '0' . don't think there used to be, is there a way when there's no unwatched episodes for it to not show anything rather than a zero?

Also, is there away to remove the shaded box around the unwatched episode number? It's ugly and out of place with the rest of the sleek looking skin.

+1 for showing number only if > 0
It will only show if > 0 in the next round of commits, I'll update once it is in.
Much appreciated.

And the likelihood of a toggle for removing the shaded boxes around the numbers? :-)
(2017-02-09, 16:18)degeneration Wrote: Awesome!
Much appreciated.

And the likelihood of a toggle for removing the shaded boxes around the numbers? :-)

I too would LOVE the ability to not only remove the 0, but also the shaded box. It makes it much more difficult to see at a glance what shows have unwatched episodes, and which don't.
+1 for removing the 0 box! As in, remove it completely, number and box, like it used to be. This is why I came here Smile
Amber is by far my fav skin! Keep up the good work!

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Remove the '0' on TV shows unwatched episodes0