Help on a variety of questions
First of all, i'd like to thank the amazing work done with this skin. it's absolutely fantastic, i'm a big fan of Alanon's work.

I am relatively new the the skin/customization thing on Kodi and therefore i have some questions related to the functions of the skins.
But before, is there any full documentation/tutorial about the skin which i could use ? i have found some helpful videos but nothing exhaustive so far.

Here are my questions:

1/ Is there a possibility to have several "rows" of widgets for a menu ? Or a widget for/per submenu ?
Let me explain myself, as of now i can create a menu in which i set up a widget (example: Movie menu, widget: popular movies). What i would like to do would be to have a menu Movies composed of submenus: popular movies, watchlist, collection. And then have row of widget for each of the popular movies, watchlist, collection. id i want to have a widget for each of these i have to create a menu, ending up have 3 menus. Is there a possibility to do as i wish ? or a workaround ?

2/ Quicknav menus, i tried to create one but couldn't find where it is supposed to appear/be located. Can i have some more explanation about Quicknav, their purpose and how to use them

3/ Is it possible to have a customized widget ? menu and attached to it a widget composed of x items which you link to a specific add on folder or a specific video source. is this possible ? if yes, how ?

Thanks in advance for your helpand your work, very sorry if the questions are noob level ;(
Kind regards
First of all, welcome to the skin, and welcome to Kodi! Big Grin

1. At the moment, widget rows are not possible, due to space constrictions. As you've probably seen, even one row takes quite a lot of screen space, so I've nowhere to place multiple rows of widgets. One row is all for the foreseeable future. (One of the skins that allows for two rows is Aeon Nox Silvo, and it'sone of few.) The only useful workaround I can think of would be to create a separate Movie Hub main menu with, for example, 6 or 7 film menus inside. You could then add a widget for each of the menus. This might change in the future if I'm able to properly implement a vertical main menu option, but that's a very long way away.

2. QuickNav is a shortcuts menu that enables quicker navigation if set up properly. You can place almost anything in the menu - a Kodi setting (quit, minimise, update library, reboot, etc.), an add-on shortcut, a library shortcut, a favourite item entry... It's accessible via remote and mouse (and probably touch). If you use a mouse, simply moving your cursor to the top of the screen will prompt the QuickNav menu to slide down. For remote users, you first have to navigate to the submenu (that's the menu that holds the view-type selector, and other system items), and then press up from there.

3. The skin itself doesn't provide any widget features. Everything is done by the Skin Helper Service add-on. So the skin only provides access to what the add-on itself can handle. That being said, the system is very flexible, and there's a lot of space for customization. Basically, anything with a folder structure can be made into a widget: playlists, add-on categories, internal add-on folders, favourite lists, trakt lists, extendedinfo lists, library nodes, etc. All you have to do is navigate to them from the widget selection menu. It is automatically categorised by the add-on, so it will take some time to find out the full possibilities of the system.

Fortunately, you can find a lot of documentation on Skin Helper features on the forums as it's easily one of the most important add-ons in existence right now. Familiarising yourself with it will help you understand other skins as well, as a great number of them utilises the add-on for ease of use and accessibility it offers skinners. As for this skin, things are a bit slim for now. I've tried to compile a list of FAQ's of sorts that are in the second post in the thread. I add items to the list as they come up to my mind, or as user question require. I hope to slowly build up a comprehensive list. You can find useful information in the closed Eminence MOD thread, I used to post more detailed explanations there, as I introduced each feature and change. (If you find them useful, let me know, and I'll add them to the list, for easier reference.) Also, the regular thread is a good source for questions and feature explanations.

If you've any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Eminence 2 MOD, Revived & Improved

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First of all, thank you very much Alanon for taking some of your time to answer me, i really appreciate it.
Your work is absolutely fantastic and i can't thank you enough for what you're doing !

1/ I sure understand. i was thinking of a vertical row stacking or even a vertical slider kinda thing. I'll look into the movie hub possibilities and will surely find a suitable solution.

2/ I'm indeed a remote user and did not figure out the way to make it appear. working totally fine indeed, many thanks

3/ Well noted, i'll look into it, thanks again !

I sure read and follow actively your thread, i guess the fact that i'm quite new to it made me miss a lot. I'll be checking out Skin Helper features asap in order to properly understand the way it works.
Not sure if i can be of any help (creation of a wiki/documentation, feedback...) but if i can i'll be happy to.
In the meantime thanks again for your awesome work, the skin is definitely my favorite and the finest around according to me.
Will tackle the issues tmrw and update you !

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