Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Will XBMC for Windows run on 64-bit Vista?
Is it a goal to have xbmc and it's OS run fully from ram?
Booting from a solid state device/net boot and still being able to have xbmc and a fully featured web browser (..I know I know) etc seems like a decent feature, is this feasible?
On machines that can decode high bitrate video, where ram is small % of the overall cost, with a stripped down OS would more than 1 or 2 of gigs of memory even be needed?
hazeh Wrote:Is it a goal to have xbmc and it's OS run fully from ram?
Booting from a solid state device/net boot and still being able to have xbmc and a fully featured web browser (..I know I know) etc seems like a decent feature, is this feasible?
On machines that can decode high bitrate video, where ram is small % of the overall cost, with a stripped down OS would more than 1 or 2 of gigs of memory even be needed?

Hazeh Your talking windows here Windows version like the OSX version will always require the Main operating system and desktop under them because thats just how they work
If you want to run nothing but xbmc you really need to look at the Linux port

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Will XBMC for Windows run on 64-bit Vista?0