2017-08-09, 18:12
Specifically the way sets are shown.
In confluence if you're lucky you see a set overview (which is as often as not fairly meaningless). More usually (in my experience at least) it's 'unavailable' (which is related to genre IIRC) or just nothing at all - a blank box.
In estuary and many of the customizable skins floating about the forum it's possible to see the set contents.
After a lot of reading / faffing / cutting / pasting I have this working in confluence (and xonfluence). I've added an extra view for movies which imo is a nice feature for anyone who uses sets. I think this would be a nice addition to confluence - for myself I'll be using it anyway in confluence / xonfluence.
Pictures >>> words...
Before (best case):
I've done this by editing the following (confluence 3.1.0 for krypton):
1 line added to includes.xml (new line 17)
1 line (line 101) edited in IncludesBackgroundBuilding.xml
1 line edit and 2 lines added to MyVideoNav.xml
line 5 becomes:
new lines 38 and 39:
1 new file: ViewMediaInfoSets.xml
If this was to be properly integrated into the skin then I guess the last file would be split between includes.xml and ViewsVideoLibrary.xml - but it's easier for me to edit an existing skin with a separate file for the view.
For xonfluence the changes are virtually identical.
The line to edit in IncludesBackgroundBuilding.xml is line 490 and [COLOR blue] in line 5 of ViewMediaInfoSets.xml becomes [COLOR deepskyblue]. Otherwise the same.
Disclaimer: this code (or rather my use of it) may well be a bit rubbishy. It's a result of trial and error rather than understanding, but I've been using it for a few months without issues.
In confluence if you're lucky you see a set overview (which is as often as not fairly meaningless). More usually (in my experience at least) it's 'unavailable' (which is related to genre IIRC) or just nothing at all - a blank box.
In estuary and many of the customizable skins floating about the forum it's possible to see the set contents.
After a lot of reading / faffing / cutting / pasting I have this working in confluence (and xonfluence). I've added an extra view for movies which imo is a nice feature for anyone who uses sets. I think this would be a nice addition to confluence - for myself I'll be using it anyway in confluence / xonfluence.
Pictures >>> words...
Before (best case):
I've done this by editing the following (confluence 3.1.0 for krypton):
1 line added to includes.xml (new line 17)
<include file="ViewMediaInfoSets.xml" />
<visible>Control.IsVisible(504) | Control.IsVisible(550) | Control.IsVisible(512) | Control.IsVisible(525)</visible> <!-- added 525 -->
line 5 becomes:
<views>50,51,500,550,551,560,501,508,504,503,515,505,511,525</views> <!-- added 525 -->
<!-- view id = 525 -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<include name="InfoList"> <!-- added from estuary -->
<!-- <param name="item_label">$INFO[ListItem.Year,[COLOR button_focus],[/COLOR] ]$INFO[ListItem.Label], $INFO[ListItem.Year]</param> -->
<param name="item_label">[COLOR blue]$INFO[ListItem.Year][/COLOR] - $INFO[ListItem.Label] </param>
<param name="path">$INFO[ListItem.FolderPath]</param>
<param name="item_height">25</param>
<param name="bottom">100</param> <!-- no effect on length of list -->
<param name="width">1152</param>
<param name="list_id">5000</param>
<param name="font">font13</param>
<param name="sortby"></param>
<param name="sortorder">ascending</param>
<param name="visible">true</param>
<control type="panel" id="$PARAM[list_id]">
<focusedlayout height="$PARAM[item_height]" width="$PARAM[width]">
<control type="label">
<itemlayout height="$PARAM[item_height]" width="$PARAM[width]">
<control type="label">
<content sortby="$PARAM[sortby]" sortorder="$PARAM[sortorder]">$PARAM[path]</content>
<include name="MediaInfoSets">
<control type="group">
<control type="list" id="525">
<viewtype label="MediaInfoSets">list</viewtype> <!-- changed -->
<itemlayout height="40" width="580">
<control type="image">
<texture border="0,2,0,2">MenuItemNF.png</texture>
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[ListItem.Label]</label> <!-- unfocused title -->
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[listitem.Year]</label> <!-- unfocused year -->
<visible>!ListItem.IsCollection</visible> <!-- changed -->
<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="40,0" delay="0" time="0" condition="!Container.Content(Movies)">conditional</animation>
<control type="image">
<visible>Container.Content(Movies) | Container.Content(Sets)</visible>
<control type="image">
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="left">keep</aspectratio>
<focusedlayout height="40" width="580">
<control type="image">
<texture border="0,2,0,2">MenuItemNF.png</texture>
<control type="image">
<texture border="0,2,0,2">MenuItemFO.png</texture>
<control type="image">
<texture border="0,0,14,0">MediaItemDetailBG.png</texture>
<visible>Control.HasFocus(525) + !String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Label2)</visible>
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[ListItem.Label]</label> <!-- focused title -->
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[listitem.Year]</label> <!-- focused year -->
<visible>!ListItem.IsCollection</visible> <!-- changed -->
<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="40,0" delay="0" time="0" condition="!Container.Content(Movies)">conditional</animation>
<control type="image">
<control type="image">
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="left">keep</aspectratio>
<control type="scrollbar" id="60">
<texturesliderbackground border="10,14,10,14">ScrollBarV.png</texturesliderbackground>
<texturesliderbar border="10,14,10,14">ScrollBarV_bar.png</texturesliderbar>
<texturesliderbarfocus border="10,14,10,14">ScrollBarV_bar_focus.png</texturesliderbarfocus>
<control type="group">
<visible>Control.IsVisible(525) + Container.Content(Movies)</visible>
<control type="image">
<texture background="true" fallback="Fanart_Fallback_Small.jpg">$INFO[ListItem.Art(fanart)]</texture>
<bordertexture background="true" border="8">ThumbShadow.png</bordertexture>
<control type="image">
<control type="textbox">
<description>Description Value for Video</description>
<label>$INFO[ListItem.Plot]</label> <!-- movie plot mediainfo -->
<visible>!ListItem.IsCollection</visible> <!-- new line -->
<autoscroll time="3000" delay="6000" repeat="4000">Skin.HasSetting(AutoScroll)</autoscroll><!-- default 2000(time to scroll), 3000, 5000 -->
<control type="group"> <!-- new line -->
<height>275</height> <!-- without this it goes to the bottom over other text -->
<autoscroll time="2000" delay="3000" repeat="5000">Skin.HasSetting(AutoScroll)</autoscroll>
<include content="InfoList">
<param name="bottom" value="570" />
<param name="width" value="490" />
<param name="sortby" value="year" />
<param name="sortorder" value="descending" />
<param name="font" value="font13" />
</control> <!-- end new lines -->
For xonfluence the changes are virtually identical.
The line to edit in IncludesBackgroundBuilding.xml is line 490 and [COLOR blue] in line 5 of ViewMediaInfoSets.xml becomes [COLOR deepskyblue]. Otherwise the same.
Disclaimer: this code (or rather my use of it) may well be a bit rubbishy. It's a result of trial and error rather than understanding, but I've been using it for a few months without issues.