Looking for Hebrew Skin for Krypton 17.4
Someone has Hebrew Skin for Krypton 17.4 Something special if someone is happy to get a recommendation
'Hello' as a topic title is perhaps not the most optimal text to attract attention to your question... But that's just me.
"Need skin" is something for a burn center... I've adjusted your title.
I think Phenomenal might support Hebrew?
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
I'm not sure there are any skins that support right-to-left UI.

Pellucid has a Hebrew translation, but as it's a left-to-right design it will be irritating I imagine. At the risk of pissing off a few skinners, it might be worth raising the idea of a mirrored UI capability with the Kodi devs?
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism
(2017-10-06, 19:25)thedeadman Wrote: I'm not sure there are any skins that support right-to-left UI.

At the risk of pissing off a few skinners, it might be worth raising the idea of a mirrored UI capability with the Kodi devs?

Interesting idea, but I'm not sure it would work. Some textures would need to be flipped horizontally, whilst others would have to remain the same (e.g. Posters). You would need some way to determine which image controls to flip. Maybe you could only flip images without background=true. Still, then you have the problem of textures which use white space to position themselves properly (e.g. Buttons that have an image with text).
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.

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Looking for Hebrew Skin for Krypton 17.40