2017-11-03, 14:08
I have a very basic video add-on which works fine, however I would like to develop it a bit more.
I searched for related topics to find something about write/build a scraper/crawler in order to feed the video sources automatically. I have not find any proper source/tutorial to dig more about this issue.
Here is my simple code:
As you may immediately noticed, this is basically the Kodi example video addon and I just grab the video urls and replace them. I am looking for a way to connect a scraper to feed the video sources in case they changed in time.
I have fair knowledge about Python, and I am familiar more or less with Scrapy, Selenium and some other scraping tools.
I am sorry if this post is duplicated, but I have not find something good about it so I create a new thread.
I have a very basic video add-on which works fine, however I would like to develop it a bit more.
I searched for related topics to find something about write/build a scraper/crawler in order to feed the video sources automatically. I have not find any proper source/tutorial to dig more about this issue.
Here is my simple code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Module: default
# Acoording to the "Roman V. M." project by: AAM
# Created on: 11.07.2017
# License: GPL v.3 https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
import sys
from urllib import urlencode
from urlparse import parse_qsl
import xbmcgui
import xbmcplugin
# Get the plugin url in plugin:// notation.
_url = sys.argv[0]
# Get the plugin handle as an integer number.
_handle = int(sys.argv[1])
# Free TV videos are provided by www.telewebion.com
# Here we use a fixed set of properties simply for demonstrating purposes
# In a "real life" plugin you will need to get info and links to video files/streams
# from some web-site or online service.
VIDEOS = {'TELEWEBION': [{'name': '1- TV1',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/tv1.png',
'video': 'http://sl16.telewebion.com:1935/devices/_definst_/tv1-1000k.stream/playlist.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=aXNfZnJlZT0xJnNlcnZlcl90aW1lPTEwLzE0LzIwMTcgNDoxODo0NiBQTSZoYXNoX3ZhbHVlPWVVcWtRdXA4Mm1UV045S1A5NGo1Qnc9PSZ2YWxpZG1pbnV0ZXM9NjAwMA==',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': '2- TV2',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/tv2.png',
'video': 'http://sa19.telewebion.com:1935/devices/_definst_/tv2-1000k.stream/playlist.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=aXNfZnJlZT0xJnNlcnZlcl90aW1lPTEwLzE0LzIwMTcgNDoxOTozMiBQTSZoYXNoX3ZhbHVlPXl1YWZ4RHZueEZFNHRIT0czVXpTeUE9PSZ2YWxpZG1pbnV0ZXM9NjAwMA==',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': '3- TV3',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/tv3.png',
'video': 'http://sl14.telewebion.com:1935/devices/_definst_/bck2tv3-1000k.stream/playlist.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=aXNfZnJlZT0xJnNlcnZlcl90aW1lPTEwLzE3LzIwMTcgMTI6NDo5IFBNJmhhc2hfdmFsdWU9b3FqYis0UVZscDE5ampFWFFTSFU3UT09JnZhbGlkbWludXRlcz02MDAw',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': '5- TV5',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/tv5.png',
'video': 'http://sl19.telewebion.com:1935/devices/_definst_/tehran-1000k.stream/playlist.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=aXNfZnJlZT0xJnNlcnZlcl90aW1lPTEwLzE0LzIwMTcgNTo0OjE2IFBNJmhhc2hfdmFsdWU9WmxCMEw0dzFXVmFQeE5tZUQ0b2l5UT09JnZhbGlkbWludXRlcz02MDAw',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': '6- IRINN',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/irinn.png',
'video': 'http://sl15.telewebion.com:1935/devices/_definst_/irinn-1000k.stream/playlist.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=aXNfZnJlZT0xJnNlcnZlcl90aW1lPTEwLzE0LzIwMTcgNDoyMjo0OCBQTSZoYXNoX3ZhbHVlPVRGL0loNmFtclhoR1NOR1o2dE15Snc9PSZ2YWxpZG1pbnV0ZXM9NjAwMA==',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': 'IRAN NASIM',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/nasim.png',
'video': 'http://sa16.telewebion.com:1935/devices/_definst_/nasim-1000k.stream/playlist.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=aXNfZnJlZT0xJnNlcnZlcl90aW1lPTEwLzE0LzIwMTcgNDo1MDo1OCBQTSZoYXNoX3ZhbHVlPVdndFlDMHU5WnU4MUVBakZIS3ptRVE9PSZ2YWxpZG1pbnV0ZXM9NjAwMA==',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': 'IRAN iFILM',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/ifilm.png',
'video': 'http://sa16.telewebion.com:1935/devices/_definst_/ifilm-1000k.stream/playlist.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=aXNfZnJlZT0xJnNlcnZlcl90aW1lPTEwLzE0LzIwMTcgNDo1MzozMCBQTSZoYXNoX3ZhbHVlPW0wK2hPejJjY0hFZGk4Q1YxTlNJcnc9PSZ2YWxpZG1pbnV0ZXM9NjAwMA==',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': 'IRAN VARZESH',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/varzesh.png',
'video': 'http://s12.telewebion.com:1935/devices/_definst_/bck2varzesh-1000k.stream/playlist.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=aXNfZnJlZT0xJnNlcnZlcl90aW1lPTEwLzE3LzIwMTcgMTE6MzQ6MjAgQU0maGFzaF92YWx1ZT05YlBDOEFPY1Y4YUVYUXZSdENoOXBBPT0mdmFsaWRtaW51dGVzPTYwMDA=',
'genre': 'TV'}
'APARAT': [{'name': '1- TV1',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/tv1.png',
'video': 'https://live.cdn.asset.aparat.com/astv1/edge/tv1.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=4eb70fe8758b8ecd23e39d1ec4dcdf98',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': '2- TV2',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/tv2.png',
'video': 'https://live.cdn.asset.aparat.com/astv1/edge/tv2.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=7790eb90e12db3ef4aaec51e4d29cf03',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': '3- TV3',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/tv3.png',
'video': 'https://live.cdn.asset.aparat.com/astv1/edge/tv3.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=b5d399b23dc7fc20770abea664f039a3',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': '5- TV5',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/tv5.png',
'video': 'https://live.cdn.asset.aparat.com/astv1/edge/tv5.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=7861a9ac8b4bc0c884839d9be9baf265',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': '6- IRINN',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/irinn.png',
'video': 'https://live.cdn.asset.aparat.com/astv1/edge/irinn.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=6b7920274ca5fcb2af3e536faa1d0ba1',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': 'IRAN NASIM',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/nasim.png',
'video': 'https://live.cdn.asset.aparat.com/astv1/edge/nasim.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=ddb0cfb0e34d96237bda861abb125663',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': 'IRAN iFILM',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/ifilm.png',
'video': 'https://live.cdn.asset.aparat.com/astv1/edge/ifilm.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=0acd2828da97315abfe149b7bf812456',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': 'IRAN VARZESH',
'thumb': 'http://staticfiles.telewebion.com/web/content_images/channel_images/thumbs/new/240/v3/varzesh.png',
'video': 'https://live.cdn.asset.aparat.com/astv1/edge/varzesh.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=46a5e3272e58f4c472f1c649d0639181',
'genre': 'TV'}
'OTHER': [{'name': 'BBC PERSIAN',
'thumb': 'http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/special/2015/newsspec_11063/persian_1024x576.png',
'video': 'http://bbcwshdlive01-lh.akamaihd.net/i/ptv_1@78015/master.m3u8',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': 'RADIO JAVAN',
'thumb': 'https://www.radiojavan.com/images/nav_logo.png',
'video': 'https://rjtv1.rjtv.me/live/smil:rjtv.smil/playlist.m3u8',
'genre': 'TV'},
{'name': 'MANOTO TV',
'thumb': 'https://www.manototv.com/Content/Images/manoto-logo-8ec71c.png',
'video': 'https://d1lcmmejnwm81j.cloudfront.net/manotolive.m3u8',
'genre': 'TV'}
def get_url(**kwargs):
Create a URL for calling the plugin recursively from the given set of keyword arguments.
:param kwargs: "argument=value" pairs
:type kwargs: dict
:return: plugin call URL
:rtype: str
return '{0}?{1}'.format(_url, urlencode(kwargs))
def get_categories():
Get the list of video categories.
Here you can insert some parsing code that retrieves
the list of video categories (e.g. 'Movies', 'TV-shows', 'Documentaries' etc.)
from some site or server.
.. note:: Consider using `generator functions <https://wiki.python.org/moin/Generators>`_
instead of returning lists.
:return: The list of video categories
:rtype: list
return VIDEOS.iterkeys()
def get_videos(category):
Get the list of videofiles/streams.
Here you can insert some parsing code that retrieves
the list of video streams in the given category from some site or server.
.. note:: Consider using `generators functions <https://wiki.python.org/moin/Generators>`_
instead of returning lists.
:param category: Category name
:type category: str
:return: the list of videos in the category
:rtype: list
return VIDEOS[category]
def list_categories():
Create the list of video categories in the Kodi interface.
# Get video categories
categories = get_categories()
# Iterate through categories
for category in categories:
# Create a list item with a text label and a thumbnail image.
list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=category)
# Set graphics (thumbnail, fanart, banner, poster, landscape etc.) for the list item.
# Here we use the same image for all items for simplicity's sake.
# In a real-life plugin you need to set each image accordingly.
list_item.setArt({'thumb': VIDEOS[category][0]['thumb'],
'icon': VIDEOS[category][0]['thumb'],
'fanart': VIDEOS[category][0]['thumb']})
# Set additional info for the list item.
# Here we use a category name for both properties for for simplicity's sake.
# setInfo allows to set various information for an item.
# For available properties see the following link:
# http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/15.x-isengard/xbmcgui.html#ListItem-setInfo
list_item.setInfo('video', {'title': category, 'genre': category})
# Create a URL for a plugin recursive call.
# Example: plugin://plugin.video.example/?action=listing&category=Animals
url = get_url(action='listing', category=category)
# is_folder = True means that this item opens a sub-list of lower level items.
is_folder = True
# Add our item to the Kodi virtual folder listing.
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(_handle, url, list_item, is_folder)
# Add a sort method for the virtual folder items (alphabetically, ignore articles)
xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(_handle, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL_IGNORE_THE)
# Finish creating a virtual folder.
def list_videos(category):
Create the list of playable videos in the Kodi interface.
:param category: Category name
:type category: str
# Get the list of videos in the category.
videos = get_videos(category)
# Iterate through videos.
for video in videos:
# Create a list item with a text label and a thumbnail image.
list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=video['name'])
# Set additional info for the list item.
list_item.setInfo('video', {'title': video['name'], 'genre': video['genre']})
# Set graphics (thumbnail, fanart, banner, poster, landscape etc.) for the list item.
# Here we use the same image for all items for simplicity's sake.
# In a real-life plugin you need to set each image accordingly.
list_item.setArt({'thumb': video['thumb'], 'icon': video['thumb'], 'fanart': video['thumb']})
# Set 'IsPlayable' property to 'true'.
# This is mandatory for playable items!
list_item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
# Create a URL for a plugin recursive call.
# Example: plugin://plugin.video.example/?action=play&video=http://www.vidsplay.com/vids/crab.mp4
url = get_url(action='play', video=video['video'])
# Add the list item to a virtual Kodi folder.
# is_folder = False means that this item won't open any sub-list.
is_folder = False
# Add our item to the Kodi virtual folder listing.
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(_handle, url, list_item, is_folder)
# Add a sort method for the virtual folder items (alphabetically, ignore articles)
xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(_handle, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL_IGNORE_THE)
# Finish creating a virtual folder.
def play_video(path):
Play a video by the provided path.
:param path: Fully-qualified video URL
:type path: str
# Create a playable item with a path to play.
play_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=path)
# Pass the item to the Kodi player.
xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(_handle, True, listitem=play_item)
def router(paramstring):
Router function that calls other functions
depending on the provided paramstring
:param paramstring: URL encoded plugin paramstring
:type paramstring: str
# Parse a URL-encoded paramstring to the dictionary of
# {<parameter>: <value>} elements
params = dict(parse_qsl(paramstring))
# Check the parameters passed to the plugin
if params:
if params['action'] == 'listing':
# Display the list of videos in a provided category.
elif params['action'] == 'play':
# Play a video from a provided URL.
# If the provided paramstring does not contain a supported action
# we raise an exception. This helps to catch coding errors,
# e.g. typos in action names.
raise ValueError('Invalid paramstring: {0}!'.format(paramstring))
# If the plugin is called from Kodi UI without any parameters,
# display the list of video categories
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Call the router function and pass the plugin call parameters to it.
# We use string slicing to trim the leading '?' from the plugin call paramstring
As you may immediately noticed, this is basically the Kodi example video addon and I just grab the video urls and replace them. I am looking for a way to connect a scraper to feed the video sources in case they changed in time.
I have fair knowledge about Python, and I am familiar more or less with Scrapy, Selenium and some other scraping tools.
I am sorry if this post is duplicated, but I have not find something good about it so I create a new thread.