Interface Ideas
I was just watching the below youtube review of the Super Nintendo Classic Edition:

I really liked the save state and the rewind interface maybe RetroPlay GUI part can take some inspiration from it.
Retroplayer actually already has rewind and save states built in. I think Nintendo may be cribbing off us. Smile
(2017-11-08, 10:26)dr88dr88 Wrote: I was just watching the below youtube review of the Super Nintendo Classic Edition:

I really liked the save state and the rewind interface maybe RetroPlay GUI part can take some inspiration from it.

The SNES classic GUI is certainly inspiring. I love the simplicity and intuitiveness.

One advantage the SNES classis has is a hardware reset button. We obviously don't have one of these, and have to rely on hotkey combos (Select + X, etc). Which has many benefits, but is lacking in the intuitive department.

I wouldn't call it "rewind", more like "replay". This is a feature I'd like to implement when I create the new savestate manager. Right now, you can hold Select + Left Trigger/Bumper and rewind in realtime, but there's no playback capability.
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