Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Background on Vertical menu issues
Have been trying to figure this out for a while with no luck... I have things woking exactly how I want them to in the classic home menu. For my menu items that point to media, such as movies and tv shows, I have widgets set up and as the widgets scroll, the background fanart changes to match the widget. For my menu items that I don't use a widget for, for example settings... I have the background set to "(Skin Playlist) Random movies", and widget set to "None". The result is that when I navigate to that menu item, in this example settings... I don't see a widget but I still see the random movie fanart changing in the background exactly how I want it. The problem is when I switch to the vertical home menu, which is the style I prefer, it no longer shows the movie fanart in the background and instead I have a plain black background. I'm not changing any other settings other than switching from classic to vertical, and when I go back to classic view, the fanart starts working again, but no matter what I do I cant figure out how to get it to do the same thing when in vertical. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong??

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