v17 Audio issue on HP prodesk 600 G2 mini

I'm using Kodi 17.6 from LibreElec 8.2.5 (generic build) on a HP prodesk 600 G2 mini and i have sound issues.
It used to work before on my old setup (the same mini pc but with an i5 instead of i7).
It's plugged to an A/V receiver through a DP to HDMI converter (same setup as when it worked with the old one).

Here's my problem :
In the menus, sometimes i get no sound at all, sometimes i do.
When playing some videos (so far it seems to be limited to videos that has audio tracks that are NOT in DD or DTS) i get no sound. But if i stop, then play again the same video, there's a chance i'll get the audio. It might work multiple times in a row, but sometimes i have to stop/start the playback a lot of times to get audio.
Some other time, the audio doesn't start right away but it comes after a few seconds.
If i have the audio, it won't go away during playback, but it might if i skip forward/back.

When the issue happen, i can see on the A/V receiver that it doesn't get any signal (the display show the number of speakers in use, no signal = no speaker displayed on the A/V receiver).

I've setup my "old" minipc on a secondary tv, but this time the sound goes directly to the tv and i don't have that issue (i actually have the exact opposite issue where DD and DTS audio tracks aren't played, the tv doesn't decode those format and AFAIK there's no transcode in kodi yet).

This is a clean install.
I tried messing with the settings (keep alive, blank noise, number of speakers...), no change.
What should i check in the logs, and what items are relevant in debug mode, so i can try to understand what is not working ?

Thank you

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Audio issue on HP prodesk 600 G2 mini0