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Removing single series from central DB
Yesterday I rescraped my series library because of some problems with my central db. During the scraping my Kodi crashed and that resulted in some wrong entries in a single TV show.

A Serie with 63 episodes show 126 episodes and it seems it renamed them all to "1x720<name of episode>". So I would like to delete that series from my central db so it could be rescraped.

How is that done? I am familiar with MySQL syntax and can easily issue commands to delete/drop entries through my putty connection to my Raspbian running the central db.
Temporarily rename the folder of the series to something unrecognizable.
Do a Clean Library. The entries for that series should be removed.
By the way, Kodi does not rename any files. It only scans them.
Also, knowing how to execute SQL queries is one thing, doing so in a relational database and not to corrupt that database is a bigger challenge Wink
Thanks. I will do that right away.

Yeah well, about the renaming part, they are named that in the library. The files themselves have not been changed.

True about the db stuff, however if it was a requirement I know how to do so 😉
(2018-06-23, 13:36)zeliax Wrote: Thanks. I will do that right away.

Yeah well, about the renaming part, they are named that in the library. The files themselves have not been changed.

True about the db stuff, however if it was a requirement I know how to do so 😉

I figured out what the problem was. It was the naming of the files themselves. 

Each one of them had a 720p after them and somehow Kodi recognized each one of them as the 2 episodes. One with the episode number and one with an episode number and a 720p after them (S01E01720p or something along those lines)

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Removing single series from central DB0