Naming my content according IMDB and TVDB really necessary?
Hello forum,

I am totally new to Kodi and i heard that content (e.g. sound and videos) needs to be named the same as
they are shown in IMDB and TVDB.

My idea was, that if videos are copied to a folder named video and sound copied to the
a folder sound, everything works fine, and that they are listed in the proper folders under
e.g. Estouchy.
Finding of my files in a public database and renaming them accorgingly would be extremly timeconsuming :-(

Is this not the case and do i missunderstand something?

Thank you very much for every feedback!

Kodi wants to pick up meta data about the movie. Think of movie poster, cast, plot, year of release etc etc to give u a nice and complete viewing experience. It looks at tvdb or imdb for that. So it needs to know how to find movies in those db, using title and year.

For that reason kodi requires this

If u dont use proper naming kodi will match the wrong meta data or wont find a match. That will make it a mess.

It takes some time but does pay off in the end
(2018-06-26, 16:53)joe99 Wrote: My idea was, that if videos are copied to a folder named video and sound copied to the a folder sound, everything works fine, and that they are listed in the proper folders under e.g. Estouchy.
Separate folder video and sound likely means DVD files. Is that the case? Or are you planning to 'dump' all your videos in one folder, and all your music in another folder? That would not be a good idea.

Estouchy is one of the skin add-ons. It's not a good place to store any of your video files in the Etouchy folder.

Here is a bit of general information on naming files in general:
You can elect not to import anything into the Kodi library and just use it to browse folders of stuff.  You'll lose about 90% of what makes Kodi useful, but if all you want is a way to use a remote control for browse your files, then that would do it.
I would like to express my thanks to all  for the excellent feedback!  Fortunately my collection of videas (to rename) is not yet that extensive :-)

What am i going to do with my mp4 collection? Does the same apply to them when i comes to naming like to videos/movies? Is thaere a special db for sound files?

Thank you very much!


For your music files, just follow the Music Library Setup Guide.

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Naming my content according IMDB and TVDB really necessary?0