TV Show's multiple year
What's considered the proper way of storing the info of a show spanning many years? Would it be:



<year>2017 - 2018</year>

or something else?

My problem with the first method is that it would use the established delimiter character (I think default is /), which works fine for things like multiple directors, but not so much here - both because it implies separation instead of continuity, and because it'd take a lot of space for a show that ran for more than 2 years.
AFAIK, a TV show has a starting date and its subsequent episode dates. There is no year "from-to" field.
Oh, so it'd be standard to show Man Men (2007) as opposed to Mad Men (2007 - 2015)? I feel like database-wise (Wikipedia, IMDB) it's more common to consider beginning to end. I'll just go with the second option then, but it's not very elegant (plus wouldn't allow me to search for just one of the two dates, and would index "2007 - 2015" as the date).

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TV Show's multiple year0