v18 NFO file for tv shows doesn't work

Suddenly struck with strange issue: I like to keep NFO link files for every show and movie I have to avoid confusions and today I realized that NFO files for TV shows just don't work. I know it was API update for tvdb but according to documentation link files should work and I just put there a new link.

Here's my example and related log entries:

Share root:
13 Demon Street -> under the root I have file tvshow.nfo and folder Season 01 -> two episodes under.
tvshow.nfo consists of only one liner: https://www.thetvdb.com/series/13-demon-street

When I try to scrap it I have a prompt to pick a show but log file saying:
00:19:27.963 T:20284   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No NFO file found. Using title search for 'smb://xxx.xxx.local/Library_8/TV/13 Demon Street/'
00:19:28.414 T:11912   DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::FindMovie: Searching for '13 Demon Street' using The TVDB scraper (path: 'C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\metadata.tvdb.com', content: 'tvshows', version: '3.0.10')

Same works perfectly fine for movie files, with bogus file and just IMDB link in the NFO it is going to a proper place:

00:22:23.058 T:20620   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching URL NFO file: smb://xxx.xxx.local/Library_8/Movies/9-Multicast.nfo

Am I missing something or doing something wrong?

Any help appreciated!
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Big thank you for the info!

Ps Maybe this should be somewhere in the wiki in big red? Thought I'm going nuts.
(2018-09-30, 08:03)Pashator Wrote: Maybe this should be somewhere in the wiki in big red?
It is- Section 1.1 - Known Issues

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I guess I didn't read it properly, thanks again!

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NFO file for tv shows doesn't work0