Sony Bravia KDL-48W600B "There are no items to display"
Hello everyone. First post here. Love the project. Love open source. Hate compatibility issues. Here's mine.

I'm posting here because I'm pretty sure this is OS independent (although I don't to windoze so it's hard for me to say).
I have 3 decent desktops, all i5 or i7, all have nVidia GTX750ti cards, all run Xubuntu 16.04LTS.
All of my laptops are also i5 or i7 with nVidia Ion Graphics using Bumblebee.
My router is a Netgear R8000 with Firmware: DD-WRT v3.0-r36070M kongac (05/31/18) optimized for MM transport.
I'm not a noob.

My problem is, my Sony Bravia KDL-48W600B positively will not display a folder list from Kodi (virtually all of the time).
I have updated the television firmware and run all of the diagnostics. The TV reports it's connected to the Kodi server.
I have been all the way through every configuration parameter. I have correctly added videos to the libraries.
When I try to browse files from the TV, lights are on but nobody is home. I have tried Kodi 17.6 stable and 18 beta from the PPA.
Each time I have deleted or renamed ~/.kodi to ensure my configs were fresh. Positively no joy.

EXCEPT FOR ONCE!  I have no idea what I did and I have yet to figure out how to replicate it but on one occasion, as I was attempting to configure Kodi and going back and forth to the TV, I noticed that I had a folder directory listing of videos! So I took the opportunity to test playback and it worked flawlessly. That was a one time event. I have yet to see it again. Very, VERY frustrating.

Now, I hate to mention the competition, but I must tell you that there is a Linux package out there that I have gotten to work with this TV, and that's Serviio. Their GUI is minimalistic. Their options are few. But it works. It just works. It even transcodes on the fly. The only reason I'm looking into other projects is because I was having playback performance issues. That's how I stumbled onto Kodi. I love the interface and everything open source about it. But there's something Serviio is doing right that Kodi is not. I don't know what that is but I sincerely hope you figure it out.

Please let me know if there's any other information you may need or options I might try to help diagnose the problem.

Which machine{s] is/are Kodi running on?
Are you relying on a network connection - ethernet or wifi?
Is the putative folder browsing utilising DLNA or what?
Which machine{s] is/are Kodi running on? Server is i7, 8G RAM, 1.6TB storage, GTX750ti.

Are you relying on a network connection - ethernet or wifi? Server connects to network with Linksys e1200 / DD-WRT firmware in client-bridge mode, forced 802.11n, connected to wl1 (2.4GHz) in the R8000. Throughput to the router exceeds 80mbps. Television connects to the router over wl0 (5GHz) 802.11ac, 1300mbps link.

Is the putative folder browsing utilising DLNA or what? Of course it is. Without DLNA enabled the TV does not find the Kodi server at all.

The issue is not server capacity or throughput. The issue is file browsing. And now that I write this down, I'm remembering that I've added PCManFM to all of my machines and set it as the default file manager instead of Thunar because for some strange reason, it handles MTP file transfers much better with my Android phone. Hmmmmm, I wonder.......

Edit: Nope. That wasn't it. I reverted back to using the native XFCE file manager app Thunar as the preferred utility. No joy.

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Sony Bravia KDL-48W600B "There are no items to display"0