Solved Unable to connect to remote server - video scan
I get this error when scanning for new videos. In the past, it indicated the scraper was out of date. I didn't see any updates though. 


Can you submit the log again. Ensure you have debug mode enabled in Settings>System Settings>logging and perform the update Library again.

I can see the errors, but not enough information is provided to see what is causing it.
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It seems to hang on movies and TV shows seem okay.
Update your scraper. You are 4 versions behind.

path: '/storage/.kodi/addons/', content: 'tvshows', version: '3.0.7')
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Okay. Thanks.  It is working. 

I guess I don't understand updates.  I had it set to never check.  However, I went into the add-on and selected update and it only showed me up to version 3.0.7.  When I switched to Check for update, don't install, I saw the update.  I guess clicking on "Update" under the Add-on doesn't automatically go out and check?
The add-on is part of the Kodi Repository. The Kodi Repository checks into our servers once a day to look for add-on updates. As you had disabled automatic updates, the add-on thinks it is up to date.

We try to create a seamless experience, but when you disable updates, you obviously fall out of date and things start breaking. You should allow automatic updates.
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I have made modifications to an add-on, so I don't keep auto updates on.  I tried unsuccessfully to change the version/date, making a copy and a few other things to keep it from getting auto updates.

If I understand you correctly, if I go into an add-on and hit update, it will only show what is in my local repository.  I think this actually varies by repository.  I see updates appear for 1 add-on even though I had updates off  (PS Vue Add-on).  Come to think of it, if the repository points to an internet location, it would show updates regardless of the settings I believe. That probably added to my confusion.
(2018-10-06, 21:59)michaeljc70 Wrote: I have made modifications to an add-on, so I don't keep auto updates on.  I tried unsuccessfully to change the version/date, making a copy and a few other things to keep it from getting auto updates.

If I understand you correctly, if I go into an add-on and hit update, it will only show what is in my local repository.  I think this actually varies by repository.  I see updates appear for 1 add-on even though I had updates off  (PS Vue Add-on).  Come to think of it, if the repository points to an internet location, it would show updates regardless of the settings I believe. That probably added to my confusion.
 If you want to stop an addon from updating, edit the addon.xml and change the version= in the addon id line to some very high number.  That way, you can turn on auto updates and all the other addons will update automatically, except for the addon that you set a high version number in.  I do this for addons that I have modified to work with my custom radio.streaming.helper so that they stay modified whilst everything else updates.

The addon.xml file is in the directory for the particular addon, eg  Currently, this is at version 5.5.5, but my addon.xml says 14.3.1 so Kodi never updates it.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
I've tried changing the version and the add-on stopped working. I suspect that breaks some dependency.
Your problem now is a different problem compared to your initial question. I would suggest to open another thread. I'll mark this thread as solved.

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Unable to connect to remote server - video scan0