Beta When files are played from the library does Kodi read the file sequentially?
When files are played from the library does Kodi read the file sequentially?

I am trying to make use of catfs to do some temporary cacheing to local disk, that is retained between reboots, etc:

The plan is to retain the last 30 days worth of content or 100GB, whichever comes first, then the older stuff gets deleted automatically.

However in my testing of catfs it seems to transfer the entire file (while a loading indicator spins), kodi stops attempting playback, then on the second attempt to playback the item in the library kodi will play it instantly and access from the cached file.

When I opened an issue about this phenomenon it was suggested that kodi might not be reading the file sequentially:
Quote:I suspect the problem is that the application does not read the file sequentially. While catfs can stream from remote, if the application reads at offset n catfs does need to read from 0-n first

I am posting here in hopes of finding out if that is indeed the case, or if I need to look elsewhere for the issue.
in general, no. most containers are not made for streaming and seeks are necessary.
Thanks! that answers my question.

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When files are played from the library does Kodi read the file sequentially?0