Favourites.xml doesnt refresh automatically

Had 16.1, favourites on network share. Kodi is mounting cifs after 30secs (due to booting, network, mysql..) and loads favourites from network (the same favourites for all clients). Works great on 16.1.

Now I am trying leia, also Confluence, but favourites seems to not refresh after change (ie. it doesnt shows anything because Kodi boots later).
I also need automatic refresh as before, because my clients are 24/7, so they dont rebooting -> they never get updates from favourites??
It's by design.
Thumbs Down 
Ah, thank you, my searching wasnt good Sad  Thats basically turns away any attempts to sharing Data among clients to different rooms from central point.

Is there at least option to trigger refresh? Trough JSON, addon, anything? I see that even profile change was "hacked" but at hope dies last...
Not that I'm aware of. I have a similar issue with leia, I get around it by running:
Quote:    xbmc.executebuiltin("System.LogOff")
    xbmc.executebuiltin("LoadProfile(Master user)")
to refresh.  It's far from ideal though.
ah Sad Thanks for the tip.
I am not familiar with buildins, could this be executed from the OS, or this needs to be implemented in skin?
I tried to fix Confluence as I get used to, (copy the original Confluence skin to the addons folder, with different name="Confluence (Edit)" within addon.xml), but for some reason, I cant see that skin Shocked  Thus I cant do any skin modification so far Sad
That's a python script (or part of one).  You could run it from a favourite / skin shortcut / remote  button/ keyboard key.  Or for automatic refreshing I guess you could write a kodi service addon to look for an updated favourites file.
Wrt confluence this should work:
  • Copy the skin.confluence folder to another location
  • Replace the name in addon.xml with a new one
  • Replace every example of the skin id (skin.confluence) in the skin folder with a new id - there are about 80 references to change
  • Change the folder name to your new id
  • zip the folder
  • install your edited skin from zip
If you're using windows then notepad++ has a search and replace function that makes te above a 2 minute job.
Thank you very much! Will try to fight this a little to have at least something.. I hope this will be considered until final Leia would be out.
I also commented bug on trac. So far, only thing I can do seems to be map this


to the key for every client with python

import xbmc

xbmc.executebuiltin("LoadProfile(Master user)")

#Better way would be
#Refresh_Favourites_function (?)

Lets hope developers hear us and make some function to "Refresh favourite service", which we could call before ActivateWindow(Favourites). How they can call this an improvement on Github Sad

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Favourites.xml doesnt refresh automatically0