Bug Number of recently added items
I've kodi running on my RasPi2 with OSMC.
At the moment nearly every of my movies are tagged as "recently added" - which is correct (added them recently) but useless.
Therefore I tried to decrease the number of recent added items in advancedsettings.xml like provided in kodi's wiki.

    <stereoscopicregex3d>[-. _]3d[-. _]</stereoscopicregex3d>
    <stereoscopicregexsbs>[-. _]h?sbs[-. _]</stereoscopicregexsbs>
    <stereoscopicregextab>[-. _]h?ou[-. _]</stereoscopicregextab>

In result kodi shows less items as i configured in views "recently added", but in "movies by title" more items are flaged with a star which means „recently added“.
Any idea where to solve this?

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