How to update update all media from the web ?

My media are usually included early in my library. Scrapper sources are not complete at that time yet and only a few rating are available.
As updating each media individually from the internet is too long for the sum of media I have, I'd like to update my media information from the web automatically on a regular basis ( e. g. weekly)

I couldn't find a plugin for that or way workaround to do that. Anyone having a solution for that ?

I already use "Library Auto Update" so add media to the library but it doesn't update the scrappers.
If you indeed have a very large library, then we will not recommend, nor assist you with a "weekly" scraping of your entire library.

An entire scrape of your library every week is not required, and will place additional burden on the scraper sites which are providing this information to you at no cost. Imagine if everybody selfishly wanted weekly scraping...

If you have missing data, then just update your local copy using NFO Files. Better still update the information at the scraper sites. Don't just lazily sit back, scraping every week "hoping" someone else has updated the entry.
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You're right. Salty answer was necessary though...

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How to update update all media from the web ?0