Playback order issues
There appear to be some significant issues with playback order in Chorus — basically it looks like the management of the music queue is broken.

FWIW, I've been discussing the problems here:

This issue may also concern the UI design of Chorus, e.g., the concepts of the "playlist" and "queue" are not clearly distinguished. Since I am not hopeful these problems will be resolved any time soon, I've abandoned Chorus for the Kodi iOS remote.

I hope these issues can be resolved and I can eventually use Chorus again, as it has some nice features (e.g., search filtering by film director) which the official remote lacks.
(2019-01-21, 06:15)mrob Wrote: Since I am not hopeful these problems will be resolved any time soon, I've abandoned Chorus for the Kodi iOS remote.
Thank you for creating this separate forum thread and making this special announcement, that apparently could not be done in the forum thread you already referred to and posted in some 5 hours ago.

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