Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Is there a way to install add ons without using the UI?
I'm using a headless version of Kodi to keep my media library up to date ( There are some great addons available to auto update libraries, keep it clean, etc., but I can't find a way through the web interface of Kodi to install an addon, and as far as I can tell my only alternative is to try to do it without the web interface or the UI. Is this possible?

I recognize that you don't officially support the docker image I linked above, which is why I'm asking the question this way.


There might be a kind of hacky way, but I haven't tried it.  If you unzip the addon, put it in userdata/addons, and then use a JSON call to activate it, that might work.

(that JSON call is also available in older versions of the API, so you don't have to be using Leia for it to work)

If the addon requires any settings you'd have to create and/or edit them by hand as well.  Settings for well behaved addons are in userdata/addon_data/<addonid>
I'll give it a shot, thanks!

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Is there a way to install add ons without using the UI?0