v18 Is PIL(LOW) broken in current p3 build?
I download latest x64 bit build: KodiSetup-20190211-da8cd2ee-feature_python3-x64.exe
In addon.xml I use:
<import addon="script.module.pil" version="1.1.7"/>
In dependency in addon menu I see PILLOW is installed, yet it throw error that I dont have one:
from PIL import ImageFont, ImageDraw, Image
                                            ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PIL'

I tried without `version` and reboot Kodi. I remember it worked few versions before.

Edit: my c:\Program Files\Kodi\addons\script.module.pil\ contains addon.xml and icon.png, c:\Program Files\Kodi\system\Python\Lib\ don't contail PILLOW also. So its missing from installer?
It's currently not supported in the windows python3 test builds.
(2019-03-01, 13:33)Rechi Wrote: It's currently not supported in the windows python3 test builds.
 Will it be enable later? updated? Replaced?
It's been a month and Kodi 18.1 seems to be out. Any news on this?
Developer for Shoko and Nakamori. Long time user of Kodi, before it was even called Kodi. My XBOX died long ago, but Windows is still just as broken and necessary. I obviously watch anime, given my first comment. Video games, manga, music, you name it.

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Is PIL(LOW) broken in current p3 build?0