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Multipart Movie / Omnibus
Well, yes, I'm very beginner on Kodi, but I explained it in some sort. I have scraping set by folders, but I have all my chapters in one folder so they can't be detected. In the scraper website they are listed as single movies (or TV shows I don't know). I don't know how to get them detected without sorting them in subfolders.

I have an ongoing encode so I will give you the log in one hour or so.
(2019-03-25, 08:51)Karellen Wrote: In fact, I am a bit annoyed at you drip feeding me the info, so just read this and you might find the solution...
Quote:...I'm also fine on having each chapter as an independent movie but I have the scraping set to folders, and don't want to create a folder for each...

That's my first post, everything is explained in first post and I had to repeat a second time that also a single movie was ok. I don't know why some people get annoyed by own limitations. Having to deal gracefully with annoyed people from the very beginning is not something I should be doing. I have spent 1 hour reading documentation and searching in forums and your final reply is, "do that again". My guess? Sidetracking Kodi limitations with excuses.
Well that quote from your first post is just ambiguous. Different if you had said "The movies for each chapter are listed at TheMovieDB, but I cannot scrape them" Your statement just sounds like a wishlist. And you said you were fine with having a single movie and twice I directed you to combine the chapters into a single movie. How on Earth was I supposed to figure out there were separate movies listed on TheMOvieDB for 10 minute shorts if you don't give them to me?? I AM NOT GOING TO LOOK THEM UP FOR YOU. IT IS UP TO YOU TO PROVIDE THE LINKS.

My only limitation is trying to always read between the lines when posts are poorly written. If there is any sidetracking, it is coming from you, and this whole thread proves it.
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Because I never thought that for Kodi to work properly I had to debug it by going to the scraper website (really? do I have to do manual heuristics for Kodi?) AND in the first post I made it clear that I didn't want to edit my files in any way, but still having them listed as a single movie in the library (this is called stacking explained in the link provided at OP) was also OK if filenames were preserved.
Anyways enough for drama, I don't have time for this. I will ask again at some point or another place. Thanks.
  • Use file stacking
  • Use a .nfo Media Manager
  • scrape it as a TvShow
Read "a bit" wiki's and use "a bit" search function
Thanks for the suggestions!
"Use file stacking" -> Want to preserve filenames
"scrape it as a TvShow" -> But they are movies...
"Use a .nfo Media Manager" -> this is a good one that I already found by myself, despite being a third application (not affiliated to Kodi)

Will try the media manager and see where it takes me. Thanks again.
I "solved" it after a whole day of research (and reading the docs).
I will explain the steps for future reference and help newcomers like myself.

Kodi does not support short movies or anything that falls outside Movies or Series, because of that YOU HAVE to rely to third party applications called Media Managers. They will help you on filling the gaps of unidentified titles. Basically managers will download .nfo and image files to the media folders which Kodi will parse in preference over the scraper.
The process goes as follows:
  • Find out what titles were wrongly detected or not detected at all.
  • Open a media manager (TinyMediaManager in my case), set "Kodi" as the settings preset.
  • Load the problematic media folders into the sources box.
  • Search on different scrapers, one by one. You might want to also add the sources to the TVShow section in order to use the TVDB scraper (which might have the short movies included in the TVShow database).
  • After finding a match, edit the information if necessary. If you want to get the IMDB ratings, run a second pass for them, info here.
  • Go to the offending folder and check that the .nfo files and artwork are now created side by side with the media files.
  • Sometimes some artwork will still be missing, you can use whatever artwork manually downloaded or take snapshots of the movie and rename as {title}-poster.jpg for the poster and {title}-fanart.jpg (fanart?) for the background.
  • Open kodi and let it parse all this new information, check everything is correct (even if the .nfo is for TVShows it will parse correctly as Movie), exit.
  • You can now delete artwork and .nfo files since they are already included in Kodi database.
  • Open Kodi again and let's create Movie Sets, this will gather all the shorts under a unique title/poster, but you can get in and all the titles/poster will be shown flat. The process is tricky (bad/confusing explanation and/or GUI design):
  • Over a title press C (for the Context Menu panel), Click on Manage then Manage Movie Set. Beware, this will ask you to add the film to an existent Movie Set. In order to create a new Movie Set you have to press on a barely visible button that depending on the GUI language can be tricky to read. Press that one, write a Movie Set Title, and accept.
  • Yes, nothing happened (apparently). Go to another short and repeat the process, now your previously created Movie Set won't be visible, this is because we have flat Movie Sets disabled in settings, which is intended since we don't want each movie to represent a Movie Set, still it won't detect custom made single title Movie Sets. Either case, you have to WRITE AGAIN the same Movie Set title (believe me, it works). Now apparently nothing has changed yet, but when you repeat the process for a third time, your Movie Set will be listed there and you can safely click on it instead of writing it up.
  • When finished you will just have one title/poster including all the collection shorts, unfortunately you can't still set a Movie Set poster as per section 6 of the Wiki.

The process is very rigid in terms of what you can or can't do so I also made a video tutorial, mainly for myself but can upload if there's interest.

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Multipart Movie / Omnibus0