(2019-04-12, 16:44)wsamh Wrote: That's my question. I have installed them and I don't see them in the game add-on section to install. I was told I have to enable them. Is there something I need to do after I install the package.
OK. I recommend you start with an easy core which does not require a BIOS, for example snex9x or gambatte (Game Boy and Game Boy Color), or nestopia (Nintendo NES). Actually, I'm looking into the packaged Retroplayer cores in Manjaro and a lot of them are missing (not packaged), for example Genesis Plus is not there, Picodrive, ... For a complete list of available cores
have a look here. Currently there are some problems with the build system in Linux, maybe that's the reason, but I'm not sure.
Anyway, suppose you choose Nestopia. Make sure the Retroplayer core addon is enabled. In a directory, place some NES unzipped ROMs. Then, go to Games section on the main menu and click. On the new window, click on "Add games". Browse to the dir you have the ROMs and set a name for the games source. In the Games window, your new source (AKA directory you have the ROMs) will appear. Click inside and you will see you NES ROMs. Note that you will only be able to see the ROMs with matching extensions to the cores you have installed and
enabled. Also, you need to use a gamepad or joystick to control Kodi, otherwise the emulation won't start.
Here you have the
official Retroarch core info files, which tell you the file extensions each core supports and the required BIOS if any. Note that Retroplayer does not support all the cores Retroarch does. In the Kodi wiki, games section, you have more information about the cores that require a BIOS and where to place them. Also, in this forum there are some threads with tutorials. If you need the specific links tell me.