Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v17 NFS Librelec 17.6 with Synology
Hey All,

I am quite new to Kodi and I am learning the basics. 
I am currently having issues with NFS sharing with a Synology. 

The current problem is that the NFS isn't discoverable by the Librelec. 
In some of the Kodi's (We have 15), I can add the path manually and it works, but after adding some files it says (Remote server unavailable. Would you like to scan the library again?)
In others, the NFS can be added, but the main Films page does not update (I can browse the NFS Shared Folder and open the files, but thats it.)

Any suggestions how could I troubleshoot this?

Thank you!

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NFS Librelec 17.6 with Synology0