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Emby library and kodi local scraper problem
So, I have a server running emby and to speed things up I use it to download all the relevant information into nfo files. 
Those are later copied to google drive and encrypted using rclone. 

The problem is that the nfo files used by Emby prevents Kodi from doing it's own internet scraping. 

I know that deleting .nfo files would solve the problem but this would break Emby's functionality on my local server and on my rclone mount point.

And I'm aware of EmbyCon but Kodi's metadata and the way it handles it is better but I only use it for my windows and linux machines. 
So all casting and mobile expirence on the go are handled by the Emby portion of the server.

Now, only if we could have an option:
- scrap all information ignoring local files justl like we have for individual movies would solve this problem.
- if we get a ignore .nfo file options this would be solved. 

I guess this might be really simple and would make possible for Emby and Kodi to coexist without direct integration with EmbyCon.

Edit: just found that removing
  <extension point="xbmc.metadata.scraper.tvshows"
  <extension point="xbmc.metadata.scraper.movies"

/Kodi/Addons/metadata.local/addon.xml will remove local scraping. 

So that just did it.
(2019-05-18, 14:50)fandangos Wrote: So, I have a server running emby and to speed things up I use it to download all the relevant information into nfo files. 
Those are later copied to google drive and encrypted using rclone. 

The problem is that the nfo files used by Emby prevents Kodi from doing it's own internet scraping. 

I know that deleting .nfo files would solve the problem but this would break Emby's functionality on my local server and on my rclone mount point.

And I'm aware of EmbyCon but Kodi's metadata and the way it handles it is better but I only use it for my windows and linux machines. 
So all casting and mobile expirence on the go are handled by the Emby portion of the server.

Now, only if we could have an option:
- scrap all information ignoring local files justl like we have for individual movies would solve this problem.
- if we get a ignore .nfo file options this would be solved. 

I guess this might be really simple and would make possible for Emby and Kodi to coexist without direct integration with EmbyCon.

Edit: just found that removing
  <extension point="xbmc.metadata.scraper.tvshows"
  <extension point="xbmc.metadata.scraper.movies"

/Kodi/Addons/metadata.local/addon.xml will remove local scraping. 

So that just did it.

So this isn't a real fix, kodi will stop looking for artwork if it finds an nfo file. 

So what I did is, used Emby to download all artwork and put it along the movie:

Movie (YEAR)/movie (YEAR).mkv

The problem is that while kodi can see the fanart it won't see the poster.jpg.

Any idea how to make it download the missing artwork like poster without doing it manually movie by movie using the refresh option?

or how to make it actually use the folder.jpg or the poster.jpg that Emby already downloaded?
I’m confused about your post. How is Kodi’s metadata handling better? Are you actually talking about Embycon or Emby for kodi? Two different Emby add-ons.

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Emby library and kodi local scraper problem0