Trakt add-on not working

Is there any problem with trakt add-on? A few days ago everything was ok, but now, Kodi is not scrobbling and synchronizing anything with trakt.

I found this on kodi.log:

2019-05-31 18:41:36.299 T:9132 WARNING: [script.trakt] trakt.interfaces.base: Request failed: "POST /scrobble/start" - 404: "Method exists, but no record found" (Not Found)
2019-05-31 18:41:44.577 T:9132 WARNING: [script.trakt] trakt.interfaces.base: Request failed: "POST /scrobble/stop" - 404: "Method exists, but no record found" (Not Found)

I have the same issue. But in my case I can't find anything related to in the kodi.log.

This seems to have stopped working this month. My last history entry on is from 2019-05-31.

I'm using Kodi 18.2 on Ubuntu 18.10 (installed from the official Kodi Ubuntu PPA) with the latest available addon.

Edit: I tried to downgrade the addon to version 3.2.0 which now fixed the issue for me. Maybe that works for you, too.

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Trakt add-on not working0