Add the director to the Title list
Hi, does somebody know how to add the director to the title list?
Is there a way to filter by director or find all the movie by director?

Many thanks,

just beside the search box (above the movie list) der is a big "Filter" button.. try to press it Wink

under cast you can search for any person, who is either cast, director, producer or writer
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(2019-06-30, 07:10)mlaggner Wrote: just beside the search box (above the movie list) der is a big "Filter" button.. try to press it Wink

under cast you can search for any person, who is either cast, director, producer or writer


I am new to the TMM. Is there a way to filter only according to the director?

sorry no - to keep it simple, the filter applies to all cast members which are available (producer, director, writer, actors)
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This is sort of hacked way but I'm very happy with using this trick for now until the feature is properly supported.
Seeing director name instantly from the movie list and being able to filter by a director and sort the movies by year really makes a huge difference (at least to me).


The steps are simple.
Using bulk editor expert mode, add director name (${movie.directorsAsString}) to sort title field.
And check sort title field too under Settings> Movies> UI settings like the screenshot.

The downside is that this will mess up title sorting by Kodi unless you bulk edit the sort title field with all data sources disconnected (hence no nfo gets overwritten). 
If you're already using sort title field extensively for Kodi sorting, this won't be an option for you.

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