Release Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings addon
Welcome to Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings addon, another addon for update ratings of movies and tv shows from IMDb service.
Why another addon, when there is Light IMDb Ratings Update? I worked short time together with axlt2002 (cheers!) on his addon and after that period I had my own ideas for new one, written from scratch. So, after few months of work and tests here is.

Main ideas:
- full multithreading and objecting work:
addon uses separated threads for reading/writing datas from Kodi's db and for checking IMDb/TVDb services;
threads comunicate by system of queues and file-queues;
- best stability by low memory usage
addon controls the state of queues and reads new entries to processing from Kodi's db accordingly;
- focusing on very fast updates
addon uses few threads for checking IMDb/TVDb services, so there is no delay in waiting for response;
i.e. current version working on my RPi 2 gives speed of: 7 updates per second for movies, 12 updates per second for tvshows/episodes;
which means 1000 movies (or 1800 tvshows/episodes) is checked in 2 min 30s

- easy way to add missing info to entries
addon writes JSON records to gives info about problematic entries, these files can be edited then will be read by addon (more info below);

Github: link

Current version: 0.4.0 (2019-07-05), direct link
- Added TVDb service checking for missing IMDb Id

Version history:
0.3.9 (2019-07-04),
- Fixed: divide by zero error when running time < 1s
0.3.8 (2019-06-30), first public release.

How to use:
Installing from zip (link above).
Manualy running (in this early state).
Addon will update movies then tvshows, gives info on progres and summary after work.

More words about update status and add missing IMDb ID to entry:
Addon uses its own directory in user profile: addon_data/

failed directory - inside will be created JSON files for every fail on ratings update entry (movies/tvshows/episodes).
Files will be named from entry type and local db id. File content is JSON structure with data about entry, i.e.

In above example entry (tvshow) has no imdb id value (null in "imdb" field), that gives fail on update try. If entry has imdb_id but update fail also, there will be "status" info about error in JSON structure.

to_update directory - if we have entry, that failed because missing "imdb" value (like above example), we can put imdb_id manually inside (i.e. "imdb": "tt0123456", instead "imdb": null,), then move/copy JSON file from failed to to_update dir. When next running addon will read the file and put imdb_id inside database.

Please enjoy, feedback is welcome.
Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings - fast way to be on time with movies/tvshows ratings
Hello @dziobak

I installed your add-on, and used it to add the ratings for Season 12 of The Big Bang Theory.

On first attempt, the add-on failed. Here is part of the log... (sorry, it was too big to upload the complete log)

On restart I ran it again. Here is the full log...

The second attempt ran without an issue, but nothing happened. No ratings were added. I looked in the addon_data folder and the following is contents of "failed" folder...

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"title": "The Big Bang Theory",
"tvdb": "80379",
"method": "VideoLibrary.SetTVShowDetails",
"params": {
"ratings": {
"imdb": {
"default": true,
"rating": 0.0,
"votes": 0
"tvshowid": 1
"imdb": null,
"id": 1

Any idea?
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Hi Karellen,
addon detect no movies and one tv show only, is this correct?
Running time was short (below 1 second) this gives divide by zero error. I fixed this in version 0.3.9 (new link in first post).

For "The Big Bank Theory", there is no IMDb id in Kodi's db (from scrapper), so you can add this id manually like I wrote in first post or rescan this show (after removing from Kodi's library) adding tvshow.nfo before with link to show's thetvdb page ( ).
Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings - fast way to be on time with movies/tvshows ratings
(2019-07-04, 13:24)dziobak Wrote: addon detect no movies and one tv show only, is this correct?
Yes, am just testing with one season of a TV Show.

(2019-07-04, 13:24)dziobak Wrote: Running time was short (below 1 second) this gives divide by zero error.
Ok, I am using dummy files.

(2019-07-04, 13:24)dziobak Wrote: For "The Big Bank Theory", there is no IMDb id in Kodi's db (from scrapper)
So the IMDB ID must exist in the database first as this add-on does not look up the IMDB ID for you using either the TVDB or TMDB ID's.

- TheMovieDB for TV Shows scraper does not add the IMDB id when scraping
- TheTVDB scraper does add the IMDB id when scraping

For many users, this add-on may not work as they will not have IMDB ID's in the TV Show library if using TheMovieDB scraper.
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(2019-07-04, 22:25)Karellen Wrote: So the IMDB ID must exist in the database first as this add-on does not look up the IMDB ID for you using either the TVDB or TMDB ID's.

- TheMovieDB for TV Shows scraper does not add the IMDB id when scraping
- TheTVDB scraper does add the IMDB id when scraping

For many users, this add-on may not work as they will not have IMDB ID's in the TV Show library if using TheMovieDB scraper. 

In current version addon needs main IMDb ID of tv serie at least. Episodes ratings are taken from IMDb's tv serie structure (IMDb ID for every episode is not needed). So, I recommend using of TheTVDB scraper for now to best work with Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings addon.
Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings - fast way to be on time with movies/tvshows ratings
(2019-07-04, 22:25)Karellen Wrote: For many users, this add-on may not work as they will not have IMDB ID's in the TV Show library if using TheMovieDB scraper. 
I've released version 0.4.0 of addon, that uses TheTVDb service to find IMDb Id for tvshows when TVDb is known only (like when using TheMovieDb scraper for TVseries).
Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings - fast way to be on time with movies/tvshows ratings
I've tested your addon on Kodi Leia (Shield TV Pro) but when i run this addon he always crashes my kodi at about 20-30% of progress.

So i keep using Light IMDB Ratings Update.
System: Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 | Kodi Version: v21 Omega | Skin: Aeon MQ7 Mod

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