texturecache produces ERROR: CCurlFile::Exists - Failed: HTTP returned error 403
I am using texturecache to re-populate my fanarts cache following a system rebuild.
Most artwork has been successfully fetched, but nothing from thetvdb.com is working - every file produces an error in the log similar to the following:
Quote:2019-07-04 18:41:53.001 T:1560085360   ERROR: CCurlFile::Exists - Failed: HTTP returned error 403 for http://thetvdb.com/banners/graphical/269750-g3.jpg

If I wget the url from the LibreElec console, the file is correctly downloaded, so it clearly exists and is accessible.
If I 'curl' the url nothing appears to happen:
Quote:Kodi1:~ #curl http://thetvdb.com/banners/graphical/269750-g3.jpg
Kodi1:~ #

What is happening here, and how do I get around the issue?
(2019-07-04, 14:18)PeterBell Wrote: If I 'curl' the url nothing appears to happen:
Quote:Kodi1:~ #curl http://thetvdb.com/banners/graphical/269750-g3.jpg
Kodi1:~ #

What is happening here, and how do I get around the issue? 
Ah, it appears that thetvdb is now expecting URLs in the form https://www.thetvdb.com/

So, my problem, now, is to modify every thetvdb.com URL in textures13.
Is there an easy way to do this?
(2019-07-04, 14:29)PeterBell Wrote: Is there an easy way to do this?
Only if you have some SQL(ite) database knowledge for replacing text in table record fields.
Although you may have to update fields in the MyVideos116.db database as well.
Also new/additional thumbnails may be placed in the thumbnail cache folder.
(2019-07-04, 15:10)Klojum Wrote:
(2019-07-04, 14:29)PeterBell Wrote: Is there an easy way to do this?
Only if you have some SQL(ite) database knowledge for replacing text in table record fields.
Although you may have to update fields in the MyVideos116.db database as well.
Also new/additional thumbnails may be placed in the thumbnail cache folder. 
I have some SQL experience from years ago - I can probably sort out the appropriate command(s) to modify the appropriate rows/columns in the database.
MyVideos is on my fileserver, so getting to that shouldn't be a problem.  My question is how to setup/install a client on LibreElec so that I can access Textures there.
Replacing text isn't that much of a problem. You just need to find all the table fields that need adjusting.

UPDATE path SET url = replace(url,'http://tvdb.com/','https://www.tvdb.com/');
(No guarantees).

Don't forget to create backups/dumps of your database first before you start fixing the URLs.

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texturecache produces ERROR: CCurlFile::Exists - Failed: HTTP returned error 4030