Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Is it possible to play videos from a https server?
Hello all,

I've got my videos uploaded to an https server. This is not cloud base storage. Just a plain https server, with a still signed certificate and a username/password (basic authentication).

Is it possible to view this server as a storage (like an nfs share) and play from there? If so, how? And would just have to download the entire video to start playback, or will it start playing, while simultaneously downloading?
It looks like you can (I've never tried it though).  Go to settings > media > library > videos.  From there you can add a source using the ADD VIDEOS option at the bottom of your source list.  In the next dialog to to BROWSE and then ADD NETWORK LOCATION at the bottom of the list.  On the next screen you can roll through various protocols, and one of them is WEB SERVER DIRECTORY HTTPS.  Looks like you can add everything there you need to connect.  If you have a self signed SSL cert, that might cause you some problems though.  You might look at something like Lets Encrypt to get free, signed, SSL certs.
Thanks, I'll look into this when I get back at home.

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Is it possible to play videos from a https server?0