Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Is there a way to disable video overlay when kodi plays a new/next video?
(2019-08-07, 22:44)jjd-uk Wrote: Been difficult for me to test as it doesn't always appear for me on my Intel i7 desktop pc, but what seems to get rid of it permentanly for video is altering

<visible>!Window.IsActive(startup) + !Player.Caching</visible>
<visible>!Window.IsActive(startup) + !Player.Caching + !Window.IsVisible(fullscreenvideo)</visible>

Confirmed that this works to git rid of the blue spinning loading dot between movies!

Thank you very much!
For your understanding the ! is an if not character, so !Window.IsVisible(fullscreenvideo) in that visibility statement means the Dialogbusy images are only visible "if fullscreenvideo is not visible" in other words if fullscreenvideo is active do not show.
(2019-08-08, 13:16)jjd-uk Wrote: Did the DialogBusy change work? as I said before all my devices are pretty powerful so the loading/cache animations are blink and you'll miss them for me, and sometimes don't occur at all.

Works like a champ!
Thanks so much for your help!

I am currently driving Kodi 18.3 with a Rasberry Pi 4b 4gig model.
Replacing a Micca 1080p looper. For some reason no one is making simple 4k60p looper models yet.

I have updated to a 4k60p projector for our outdoor movie nights. So trying to come up with a home grown looper to simplify things.
Currently we have been using a looper for commercials, then switching to a 4k Bluray player for the full resolution movies and back again for intermission and commercials, ect. 
I would like to just hit play and forget it like I used to in the 1080p days.

Now that you helped me remove these two annoying features, I just need to map a remote to the Pi4 device and run a heat and humidity stability test on the player.

Here is the player, still need to trim the fan bolts!
My not so portable rig!
What it looks like setup!

If you are ever in Mount Eden Kentucky on a Saturday night, stop by for movie, hotdog, popcorn, and a drink!
(2019-08-06, 14:15)jjd-uk Wrote: You will likely need to edit this line of the Estuary Dialogseek skin file.

I'm at work so can't test, but what you will likely have to remove is either:



Please excuse my lack of knowledge. Is there any way you could walk me through the process to access the Estuary Dialogseek skin file? I'm using a Raspberry Pi 2 and a SD card with LIBRE ELEC running Kodi. Do I need to access these xml files while the SD is in the Raspberry Pi or can I access and edit them when I plug the SD card into my card reader?

In a pinch and really appreciate any help!!

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Is there a way to disable video overlay when kodi plays a new/next video?0