A web UI for mobile phones and better playing music?
Hi, as the title says, I am wondering if anyone feels the need and would like to start working on a web user interface that would basically be the porting (or imitation) to Kodi of the web interface that RPi music distributions Rune Audio, Volume and Moode Audio use.

The reason of this is that the existing Kodi tools (Chorus2 or the other WebUIs, Kore) do not provide (either or both) the UI ease and completion of features when one uses Kodi headless to listen to some music.

In particular:
  • Chorus2 is in my view optimised for the desktop, not for the mobile phone.
  • The other web interfaces that I have tried Arch, AWXi, Hax, yarc are not in my view functional enough.
  • Kore is fine, but it is not on iOS, it requires to update the local library, it cannot really manage Internet radio streams. And, above all, it is not a web UI.
  • Another thing where some improvement is needed is the remote control of the Internet radio streams: if I play a .strm file that contains the radio URL, the TV screen shows what's playing (e.g.: artist - song), while Kore and Chorus2 show something like filename.aac
In terms of user interface, the UI that music distributions use is the best that I have seen. To give an example, here is how it looks on a large screen:


And here is how it looks on a mobile phone screen:


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A web UI for mobile phones and better playing music?0