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Specifying resolutions across multiple systems
Following problem: I've setup xbmc on a network drive that is accessible from multiple PCs with the same path. This works just fine with the data in the xbmc dir so that I can run it from all PCs with the same data. Now the main PC xbmc is run on is the HTPC where it's setup to use 1920x1080 screen resolution. Unfortunately the screenres is store as simply a number (I guess iterating through all the resolutions supported on that PC), so whenever I run xbmc on my main PC (like to update covers, movie info etc -- which is much easier on a pc with monitor and keyboard than on the HTPC with projector) it starts up in some funky resolution since that PC apparently has a different number or order of screen resolutions available.

I can think of two fixes for this behaviour:

-- specifying the resolution by values (1920x1080) instead of a number (16) in the config file

-- allowing a commandline resolution override switch (xbmc -res1920x1080)

Both would be equally fine for me, so whichever makes more sense to implement would really be appreciated!

Did you use the installer? It starts xbmc with -p which means platform mode. the guisettings.xml is then stored in the profile directory of the current user (document and settings\user\appdata\xbmc)
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no, i'm specifically not using the -p options as I want all the data (covers, movie info etc.) shared between the PCs -- so that I can edit the movie db/covers on the PC and have them show in the HTPC.

As I understand it, using the user profile dir not only puts the guisettings in the profile instead of a subdir, but also all the other userdata info like thumbnails, movie database...?
obstler Wrote:As I understand it, using the user profile dir not only puts the guisettings in the profile instead of a subdir, but also all the other userdata info like thumbnails, movie database...?

Right. Every data which will be modified should go into the platform directories when using -p.
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That's what I thought. So would one of the above mentioned solutions be an option for implementation?

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Specifying resolutions across multiple systems0