Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
1080p stuttering (CPU ok)

I've been posting before about the problems with 1080p playback and the fact that the playback stutters as if the computer was too slow.
Today I downloaded the latest build and tried running a movie in windowed mode so that I could see the performance monitor. The movie played as in full screen (with the same stuttering), but I noticed that CPU was working at around 50-60% only.
So it would seem that the CPU power required is there, but something else is affecting the playback.

Any ideas? (running without problems in other players etc etc).

Intel [email protected]
nVidia 8600 GT
Windows Vista 32-bit.
Could be the same thing, maybe not, but.....

If i set my resolution to 1920x1080/24 and play a video with framerate of >24FPS then i get the very problem you describe.

Try testing different resolutions/refresh rates, another thing i'd suggest you try is checking your audio settings (Linux and XBMC) and drivers.


(Note: My screen resolution settings are weird, i choose a resolution of 1920x1080 and a refresh of around 57, then my display reprts 1920x1080/24)
err... oops, i'm using the linux build, never noticed that. Blush

I guess the same things are still worth checking though, if you didn't already.

Hehe, thanks. I will check it Smile
I tried it now and it's the same unfortunately. I guess I would have had the same problem with other players (such as MediaPortal, but there they play perfectly).
I am also using the latest build in a fresh copy of Windows XP. Plenty of RAM and HDD; however, when increasing the resolution to 720i, movies start playing only sound for around 1 minute, then the video starts and tries to catch up with the sound until synchronization is completed. Weird, I had leave the settings to Best Possible, even though quality is not great, it is still watchable.

I will try to tweak the settings a little more until quality gets better.

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1080p stuttering (CPU ok)0