2019-10-17, 11:39
After reinserting pycrytodome into our buildsystem (revert removal from here: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/615a...2be7adf1d5), calling cmake again and rebuilding, two issues appear:
1.) module MD5 not found (seems to be identical to that already found in crypto library), needs an identical fix, for testing I put "Cryprtodome.hash." before the import.
2.) something does not work with _ctyptes, this isue will most likely also pop up for PIL:
Can be reproduced by installing netflix addon, credentials are not needed for reproduction
Edit: For android the first (MD5.py) point seems not to be an issue, so there are differences in how/where modules are searched.
1.) module MD5 not found (seems to be identical to that already found in crypto library), needs an identical fix, for testing I put "Cryprtodome.hash." before the import.
2.) something does not work with _ctyptes, this isue will most likely also pop up for PIL:
log:File "D:\Dev\xbmc\build\system\python\Lib\ctypes\__init__.py", line 7, in <module>
from _ctypes import Union, Structure, Array
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_ctypes'
Can be reproduced by installing netflix addon, credentials are not needed for reproduction
Edit: For android the first (MD5.py) point seems not to be an issue, so there are differences in how/where modules are searched.