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v18 Reduce starting time if DB is not available?

i have 2 Fire Tv running with kodi 18 and the DB is hosted on a synology NAS.
This NAS is not running 24/7, it musst be started manually.

Sometimes i only want to start kodi addons, but if the NAS is not online, Kodi needs a lot of time to start without DB connection. 

Is there a possibility to reduce starting time from kodi, if DB is not available?

Are there any flags in advancedsettings.xml for this?
Thanks for help.
There are no flags. A server is indeed usually a 24/7 thing, Kodi has no means in testing the connection beforehand.

You could create two profiles and use "the other" profile if you know that the remote database is not available.
Alternatively you could run the database on a separate device, say a Raspberry Pi (which can easily do 24/7 work), and keep the files on the NAS.

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