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v18 Library Integration Tool vs OSMOSIS - Which should I use?

I'm looking to add content from a few addons (mainly Netflix and Amazon VOD) and I see that there is two solutions to this problem, which are Library Integration Tool and OSMOSIS

OSMOSIS seem to be a bit older and is the one I have seen mentioned most places. But I'm but confused about the versions, since the original Github hasn't had a commit since Dec 18, 2017 and lists version 1.3.1 in the addon.xml.
Then there is two other versions being worked on, one by Maven85 which lists version 1.3.5 and has the last commit Sep 20, 2019. And one by Merlin_ with last commit Oct 27, 2019 and a version number of 1.3.5. 
However, in the Kodinerds repo OSMOSIS is listed as version 1.3.2... (Github links are from this post on the OSMOSIS thread from the Kodinerds forum)

And then there is Library Integration Tool which seems to be a bit newer than OSMOSIS (as far as I can tell about a year between the two).
Library Integration Tool has it's latest Github commit at Jul 19, 2019, but by comparing version number on Github (from addon.xml) with the version number from the "LibraryTools repository" it seems that the version in the repo is from Aug 13, 2018.

So yea, to get to the point.
  • What do you use?
  • What in your experience is the better tool?
  • Where do you get it from?
  • Is there another option I have missed?
(2019-12-08, 18:57)Son_Of_Diablo Wrote: Hello,

I'm looking to add content from a few addons (mainly Netflix and Amazon VOD) and I see that there is two solutions to this problem, which are Library Integration Tool and OSMOSIS

OSMOSIS seem to be a bit older and is the one I have seen mentioned most places. But I'm but confused about the versions, since the original Github hasn't had a commit since Dec 18, 2017 and lists version 1.3.1 in the addon.xml.
Then there is two other versions being worked on, one by Maven85 which lists version 1.3.5 and has the last commit Sep 20, 2019. And one by Merlin_ with last commit Oct 27, 2019 and a version number of 1.3.5. 
However, in the Kodinerds repo OSMOSIS is listed as version 1.3.2... (Github links are from this post on the OSMOSIS thread from the Kodinerds forum)

And then there is Library Integration Tool which seems to be a bit newer than OSMOSIS (as far as I can tell about a year between the two).
Library Integration Tool has it's latest Github commit at Jul 19, 2019, but by comparing version number on Github (from addon.xml) with the version number from the "LibraryTools repository" it seems that the version in the repo is from Aug 13, 2018.

So yea, to get to the point.
  • What do you use?
  • What in your experience is the better tool?
  • Where do you get it from?
  • Is there another option I have missed?

Netflix can use its own export functionality:

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Library Integration Tool vs OSMOSIS - Which should I use?0