Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
PKC and Stream
Hi, and soon Happy New Year!

I have looked everywhere I can think of about this. Maybe it is not possible?
But is there a way to add the new stream service from Plex in to Kodi with PKC (Plex Kodi Connect)?

It seems I have got everything else to work, so its really good this addon :-)

And one side question: is there an app that people now about (Android) I can use to manage my Plex library, when the webpage is no good for phone. And I don't have Plex Pass.

Petter :-)
Many thanks for all the effort YOU all do! THANKS! :-)
nVidia Shield TV (2015), Samsung QE75Q70R and Yamaha RX-V767

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