Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Kodi server on home net?
Hi, I am sorry for this question but maybe is there something I missed on Kodi. At home I am using Kodi on 3-4 devices. But for me is not very comfortable to set all Kodi on every devices...and I started to watch some movie or one device and I cannot continue on other (yes I can but i have to start from beginning and skip the already watched part). I have to remember what parts from series I already watched, skin setting is not the same etc etc. I have home server or one computer could be like it. Is it possible to set somehow Kodi like primary and all other devices like instances of the primary to have all the same?? Thank you very much for help.
Kodi isn't set up like that with servers and clients - that's more the Plex model. In our case we just use sources (which generally do not run Kodi, they just supply files) and then players (the devices running Kodi with or connected to screens).

It is possible to share watched statuses etc between Kodi installs though. See MySQL (wiki) for some examples, or also look at addons like Emby.

Sharing configurations (skin set-ups etc) dynamically between devices is also not (easily) possible, at least without a lot of work and stability risks.
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